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Jacqueline's Leadership Approach

Who We Impact

"Jacqueline is amazing! She gives great, actionable advise and feedback and has mastered training in the remote environment! I cannot wait for her monthly sessions."

"Jacqueline did a great job laying out the framework for the discussions we can expect to have. The content was relevant and very much in line with what I'm seeking. I also love how engaging she was with the audience. I am looking forward to future sessions."

"One of my first and many favorite events are the etiquette classes [by Jacqueline]. Etiquette is not only used when eating but also everywhere you go. Etiquette is the “customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.” The use of proper etiquette has gotten me so far. When thinking of the young woman I am today, etiquette has played a big role in my lifestyle. The simple use of etiquette has opened up many friendships for me. Etiquette has also helped me network with amazing people all over the world."

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