Showing all the thanks…
It’s the simplest two words that have so much power and grace attached to them – thank you.
But, those two simple words have ability beyond belief when used properly, especially as you’re exploring the world of elevating in your leadership journey and starting something new.
Let’s just explore a few of the ways that your desire to show thanks can show up and how it can serve you.
Leadership Tip: Not only do you have to not do it all, but it’s really not that much fun any way. On your leadership journey (and every other journey in your life), you’ll need people. And at some point, you’ll want to thank them. Do it graciously, earnestly and with them in mind
Handwritten Cards
It’s absolutely no secret that I enjoy handwritten thank you cards – not just receiving them, but also distributing them.
When you think about the simplicity and the magic of this process of writing them out, it’s really meaningful:
- You have to actually secure the card (unless you’re someone like me who keeps them on deck)
- You need to spend time physically writing things out (not just signing your name to pre-written text)
- You have to visit a store of some sort to actually purchase postage for it
- You then have to physically mail it out
While these aren’t four difficult steps, they do take time and a process outside of most peoples’ normal schedule and plan.
But it’s worth it.
If you’re going to show thanks, do so unbegrudgingly, with grace and with intention. Taking time out of your day (which of course is unrecoverable), to show gratitude towards someone is priceless.
Now about that inventory of cards that I keep…
I keep a lot of cards nearby – cards that I’ve just randomly purchased, cards that I’ve had custom made and cards that I know people around me will like.
If you want to have some cards on deck to thank people with and if you’d also like a system that helps you to distribute these cards, I highly recommend checking out this gratitude box.
- Where Is Your Favorite Restaurant?
Think about it for a moment. Where is your favorite place to dine, drink or even just visit?
Now, think about someone that you want to thank via a meal.
Now, where is THEIR favorite restaurant? It’s easy for us to think up our favorite places and take people there because we know that it’s good to US!
But, the next time that you want to thank someone, make it less about you and more about them.
- What do they like to eat?
- What environment do they enjoy?
On your leadership journey, you’ll continually embrace the reality that while it’s important to prioritize your needs and give you want you need to elevate and grow, taking the time to recognize people based on what THEY want and need is just as important.
- Act Without Reward
I often teach about the WIIFM – that whether we consciously know it or not, we’re evaluating this idea of what’s in it for me? While people are talking, while things are going on around us, while we should be fully paying attention, we are (often unknowingly) analyzing things and applying them to our lives.
But, we can counteract that by WILLINGLY and CONSCIOUSLY giving without reward. By unselfishly giving without an expectation of a returned gift or gesture.
I distinctly remember having this period of my life where I felt like I was giving out thank you cards and thoughts/acts of kindness and never getting anything in return. For a small period of time, I actually went on hiatus of not doing it.
Then, I snapped out of it. I realized that…
- I genuinely enjoy the act of giving (it literally makes me feel good)
- People actually did appreciate it and made notice when it no longer happened. I just had some initial expectations that they should say thanks when and how I wanted them to give thanks. (which hardly ever happened)
I have embraced the fact that, if I want to give, then I will – willingly, unbegrudgingly and with the person (not myself) in mind.
As you continue on this journey of growing personally and in your leadership journey, know that other people will be needed and you’ll often want to thank them.
Take the time to do it intentionally, often and graciously.
Until next time…