Stay Ready

There’s one thing that I absolutely know for sure. If you’re procrastinating and waiting around to get ready (for anything), you’re wasting precious time (and money). So, what’s the solution? STAY READY! Get the lighting to make your situation brighter! While the world has shifted on its axis over the last year, people have proven…

Enjoy Nice Things

While there are undoubtedly a lot of things that we can’t do right now, there are A LOT of things that we still can do! Can I ask you (pretty, pretty please) to not fall into the trap of thinking and assuming that since the world isn’t “open”, you have to stop enjoying exciting and…

Ready To Go Outside?

I am quite excited today. I’m going outside. Sounds silly, right? Well, the truth is, outside of some low intensity walking around my neighborhood, my opportunity to go engage with other humans in 3D has been pretty minimized. I know that I’m not special or alone in this scenario because so many of us are…

Office Love

The word “virtual” is about two steps from being a bad word. I mean, everything is now preceded with ‘virtual’. Right? Well, listen – don’t kill the messenger, but we will need to embrace this virtual situation for a bit longer. While it may not be ideal, there is an upside here – you can…

Everything In Its Place

When you know where things are and where they are supposed to go, it make things a lot easier. It’s easier to get inspired, get motivated and keep going. While we can all use a little more magic and cheer to offset what 2020 was, it’s probably time to start putting that holiday stuff away.…

Shake Things Up & Keep Going

It’s not the time to slow down. Although it has truly been a year, taking advantage of the opportunity to use this time to prep for a smooth start for next year is key. Although I do love my office, I started to feel like sitting at my desk was a bit stuffy sometimes, so…

Ditch The Plastic

I know – plastic feels “easier”, but nothing beats the elegant feeling of using real glasses, especially when you’re entertaining guests. So, cheers to real glasses, delicious beverages and the next, safe great outing with the people that you care about the most. If you’d like to make sure that you’re using the right glass…

Reclaim Your Time: How to Unplug and Stay Unplugged

When you wake up in the morning, how long does it take for you to reach for your phone? These days, our phones seem to be our everything—our alarm clocks, our calendars, our music players, and our message centers. While I am all about this level of convenience (I have two phones and an Apple…

Feeling Stuck? How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Today

Feeling Stuck? How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Today Ding, ding, ding.  That’s your alarm clock waking you up for another day. But what does the day ahead really look like? Do you feel excited and energized about what you’ve got on your plate? Or do you feel frustrated, drained and stagnant? If…

Know Your Worth: 3 Ways to Build Up Your Self-Confidence at Work

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see someone who’s accomplished a lot? Who wakes up and walks bravely back into the working world no matter what challenges lie ahead? Or do you see someone who’s not quite measuring up, who’s drowning under the weight of self-doubt? The fact is…