Don’t Let Your Commute Get You Down!

To get from point A to point B, there is usually some form of transportation involved. Since time machines haven’t been invented, your transportation will likely involve encountering other people. So, how are we conducting ourselves to ensure that we can all be comfortable, safe and appropriate? Let’s explore some things to keep in mind when traveling on different public transportation sources:


  • Have your fare ready.
  • Is someone else in need of my seat?
  • Hold on! Buses makes frequent stops. Don’t get caught picking yourself up off of the floor, because you failed to hold on.
  • Am I listening to music without headphones plugged in?
  • Am I displaying common courtesy by saying, “please, thank you and I’m sorry”, when necessary?


  • Have your fare/ticket ready.
  • Is someone else in need of my seat who is pregnant, elderly or handicapped?
  • Are my bags taking up space in a seat, preventing other humans from sitting?
  • Am I walking on the right down the escalator and stairs, leaving a path for those who need to get down faster on the left?
  • Am I displaying common courtesy by saying, “please, thank you and I’m sorry”, when necessary?


  • This is not your personal vehicle. Are you treating this vehicle like its your own?
  • Did you tip appropriately?
  • Are you really loud or on your cell phone for the entire ride?


  • Are you boarding with your zone?
  • Are you trying to sneak on a “non carry-on” item?
  • Did you bring something smelly on the plane to eat while in route?
  • Are you talking for the entire plane ride when your neighbor might want to sleep or be alone?
  • Am I displaying common courtesy by saying, “please, thank you and I’m sorry, when necessary?

Public transportation can be an easy and convenient way to travel, but only if we all do our part by subscribing to common courtesies, and by considering the thoughts of other people during our commute.