Being A Good Event Host

Byron Suggs.1Being an event host takes more than an attractive outfit and a following. In order to be a good event host, you will have to be extremely personable, attentive, relaxed and flexible.  You want all of your guests to feel welcome and comfortable, which will increase their likelihood of having a great time and a return visit to your next event. Being attentive allows you to control the atmosphere and remain abreast of what’s happening at all times. Staying relaxed and maintaining a positive attitude is a must, as rarely does everything go as planned. When the unexpected occurs, you must correct the situation as quickly as possible, while maintaining a cool and serene appearance. This is also where flexibility becomes key.  As the event host, you are the first point of contact for every situation.  When there’s a need, it’s your duty to fulfill it. Accommodating your guests to the best of your ability should always be your top priority.

Byron K. Suggs, Cool Smart Inc., co-founder of Tux and ChucksBe sure to check out Tux and Chuck’s on November 16th.