Fancy Hair - Jacqueline M. Baker

Fancy Hair

A woman’s hair can come in all different shapes, sizes and colors and more amazingly, it can change in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, the timing of this blink can change dramatically depending on who the hair stylist is. Scarlet has surely had her share of hair styles and stylists and their timing and professionalism has varied.

Now granted, Scarlet has had very few bad hair styles, but the whole “shop” experience has certainly been nothing short of an adventure.

Interestingly, many women have slow and unprofessional stylists who come to work late and take unexpected breaks. Why do we continue to endure this? Why do women continue to dish out hundreds of dollars a month for a fancy “do” that we have sacrificed way too many hours of our lives for, not to mention the enormous amount of gossip intake.

More importantly, who is at fault here…the customers who allow it or the stylists who do it?

Hair Shop Etiquette…who makes the rules?

Stay tuned…

