Free Clones For The Holiday!

It’s coming and you’ll be tempted. You are about to be hit with an onslaught of holiday party invitations. As much as you want to and initially feel like you will be able to, you probably can NOT attend them all. You’ll probably map out a party hopping plan and maybe even resort to constructing a…

Is that … a weave?

Today was interesting. I was approached with this question, “Are you wearing a weave?” Now luckily, Scarlet is neither shy nor easily embarrassed, or offended easily, so the answer was quite easy to verbalize. On the other hand, I’ve become increasingly in tune with and interested in the perspectives of others. While I wouldn’t get…

Being A Good Event Host

Being an event host takes more than an attractive outfit and a following. In order to be a good event host, you will have to be extremely personable, attentive, relaxed and flexible.  You want all of your guests to feel welcome and comfortable, which will increase their likelihood of having a great time and a…

1% to Empty – Are You On Cell Phone Life Support?

When your cell phone gets low on battery life, you likely go into recovery mode, trying to locate an outlet and get back to a safe amount of power – which is usually somewhere above 20%. As the need to be continuously connected grows, we’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon – customers asking restaurant servers and…

Bad Bad… Really Really Bad…

This 100th day of the year started with something that was very necessary – an apology! Have you been avoiding someone because you owe them an apology? Yesterday was an action packed day for us! Road trip, meetings, planning, teaching, the whole nine… This meant that a late night conference call wasn’t the best idea,…

Gimme Some Mo’

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! Are you a giver or a taker?… Or have you strategically positioned yourself at a happy medium locale between the two? After a recent conversation with a friend, it dawned on me how frequently some particular professions are taken advantage of and expected to not be compensated for their professional advice and…

Please… Don’t Kill My Vibe.

MOMENTUM. It’s hard to get and easy to lose. Nothing is worst than having a phenomenal amount of momentum and its killed by the tardy monster. Being late, especially when it’s chronic, is the worst. We define chronic lateness as an ongoing, unthoughtful disregard of your time, easily demonstrated by the lack of being on…

Top 10 Etiquette Tips for Young Professionals

First impressions count: We all have our bad days, but limiting how they affect your attitude and appearance is best. You are often remembered for the rest of your life by your initial presentation. Look your best, offer a free smile and present the best possible version of you, every time. Tact always wins: We…