Empathy. Perspective. Patience. Kindness. Forgiveness. Love.

Today, as we formally observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Scarlet Says just one simple thing…spend just one day this week doing something selfless for someone else. The simple thing could be in the form of showing: Empathy – understanding and sharing the feelings of another Perspective – consider someone else’s viewpoint of…

How “Doing You” Can Do You In

The holidays have surely been a fantastic time to get in touch and reconnect with friends. This past weekend, I had a fantastic time catching up with girlfriends in my home town of Detroit. During our girls time catch up, we always engage in a series of serious questions surrounding annual reflection and our outlook…

Just Go With The Flow

This weekend, I had the pleasure of reuniting with my best of friends. While I really enjoyed myself, I came to a very unpleasant reality. I mean, it really isn’t that unpleasant, but considering how most of us think that time spent with others requires a production with mapped out plans and details, it’s just…

Teamwork Changes Lives

Sometimes you sit and daydream about what you could do, wish to do or want to do someday. And then sometimes, you actually ask people to assist you and walaa, like magic, things just start to happen. For the past 5 years, I’ve been a pretty adamant supporter of the Adopt A Child for Christmas in…

3’s Our Charm!

Yesterday was quite the fantastic day. I spent hours with my older brother and sister. While many people have the luxury of spending hours on end with their siblings and sometimes being happy to have distance between them every now and then, that is not my story. My story is that yesterdays simple joy of…

How Can I Help You(rself) – The Power Of Volunteering – ReBlog

Me. Me. Me. We live in quite the self-centered, selfish time. How often is it that someone genuinely asks you, how can I help? Dara Munson, CEO, of Big Brothers Big Sister of Metropolitan Detroit and a personal inspiration deeply understands this selfless approach. At the end of a meeting with her, she always asks,…

Beer Etiquette

  After wrapping up a fantastic and spontaneous get away on Hilton Head Island this past weekend, I was inspired by my friend Brett, to share a few new nuggets that I acquired while I was there. The acquired taste of beer has not been something that I was given, but I’m very aware that is a…

Gracias! National Etiquette Week

Today kicks off the first of 5 days solely dedicated to etiquette. Scarlet believes that good etiquette should be practiced daily, but this week, we’ll pay specific attention to raising awareness of all people to act with courtesy, civility, kindness, respect and manners as well as rally people to act with good manners in their everyday…