Dress for YOUR Success!

Whether we like it or not, the world judges us on first impressions. And whether we like it or not, the world perceives the way we look to say and mean something about who we are–or who we aren’t . Before we can even utter a simple “Hello, My name is…” to a new acquaintance…

You’re Not That Special – Everyone Is Busy

It used to be something major and unique for someone to always be busy, occupied or on the move. But, guess what? Just about everyone falls into the category of busy nowadays. We all have somewhere to be, something to do and someone to meet up with. Our packed (and sometimes overpacked) calendars consume our…

That’s Not My Name

You deserve to be called by your name, even if it’s spelled a little different or is difficult to pronounce. Saying (or at least genuinely attempting) to say someone’s name is the easiest and simplest way to show respect. And, even when there is an intricate and complex name that you’re faced with, a genuine…

Mr. Telephone Man, There’s Something Wrong With My Manners

Ok, so, instead of approaching this from the normal standpoint of rattling off how you’re making your friends, family and co-workers feel crappy when you stay plastered to your phone while you’re in a face to face conversation with them, I’m going to do something different. Because clearly, that first approach just isn’t working… But…

Boundaries Save Careers

What is a simple 5 letter word that links us to other people all over the word, shapes and guides our everyday conversations and connects us to people who we have both personal and professional relationships online and in person? SHARE It’s pretty hard to peruse any website or social media platform and not see the word, share. It’s…

I Thought You Said This Was A Party…

Let me first start by saying, there is nothing wrong with being a network marketer. I don’t want the massive network marketing community to reign down upon us. Ok, – all clear here? Now, let us proceed! Network marketing or MLM (multi level marketing) certainly has its perks. I’m not here to argue that, but…

Hey! Dinner Party Over Here!

This is the look of an excited dinner party hostess! In t-minus 3 days, I’ll host a wonderful dinner party for 10 and kick off a partnership with Hello Fresh! I’m not sharing just to share…I’d like you to consider coming to a dinner party in the future. Interested in attending a fun, engaging, swanky…

I’ll Support You… If I Can Get A Discount

Who pays the full price for anything anymore? Let’s face it…we are all trying to find a way to stay within our budgets, exceed goals and advance to what’s next, all with a particular (usually limited) amount of resources, right? So, trying to cut corners and take advantage of discounts, deals or promotions is pretty…

How To Entertain Like a Boss! National Etiquette Week – Day 5

The E-Word – entertain, can really rattle some people. If you are used to being the guest versus being the host(ess), even considering entertaining family and friends may shake you up a bit. Contrarily, if you are the master host who regularly has family and friends over, today’s post will merely be a refresher, with perhaps a…

Are You Accustomed to Customs? – National Etiquette Week – Day 4

How many times have you been distracted today? Did you just get distracted when the notification for this post appeared? 🙂 So, since I have you for a moment, consider this question. Have you allowed yourself a few moments to daydream about what you would rather be doing instead of what you feel like you…