You’re Not That Special – Everyone Is Busy

It used to be something major and unique for someone to always be busy, occupied or on the move. But, guess what? Just about everyone falls into the category of busy nowadays. We all have somewhere to be, something to do and someone to meet up with. Our packed (and sometimes overpacked) calendars consume our…

That’s Not My Name

You deserve to be called by your name, even if it’s spelled a little different or is difficult to pronounce. Saying (or at least genuinely attempting) to say someone’s name is the easiest and simplest way to show respect. And, even when there is an intricate and complex name that you’re faced with, a genuine…

Boundaries Save Careers

What is a simple 5 letter word that links us to other people all over the word, shapes and guides our everyday conversations and connects us to people who we have both personal and professional relationships online and in person? SHARE It’s pretty hard to peruse any website or social media platform and not see the word, share. It’s…

Have you ever read an email, post, or chat message and thought, “wow that was just too far, too long or just uncalled for?” The joys of being an adult include not posting, sharing or typing things that completely cross the line, or are unnecessary. Everything that comes to mind is not worthy of posting…

Looking forward to this event in #DC. #etiquette #entrepreneur #branding #Communication

Is your body saying things that you aren’t really thinking? Be mindful of what your body is communicating! #Scarlet #etiquette #bodylanguage #communication

Etiquette will advance your life in ways that education and connections will not. Be mindful of your nonverbal communication. Your mouth might be saying one thing, but your body might be saying something completely different. #scarlet #etiquette #communication #entrepreneur #publicspeaking

The have arrived! The Scarlet business portfolios are in the building, getting their final customizations for the Detroit Lions Rookie Etiquette Training in a few weeks. Success off the field is important too, which is why each player will get a customized portfolio, in preparation for business meetings and conversations! This year, we’ll have an…

Did Scarlet Renege?

Making a grand LATE entrance can cost you your dignity! #scarlet #etiquette #time #embarrassment Always arrive on time. Make sure that you’re at least 15 minutes early. Respect the time of others. These are statements that you’ll continuously hear me saying in both youth and adult etiquette classes. I’m a big advocate of being respectful…

Did Scarlet Renege?

Making a grand LATE entrance can cost you your dignity! #scarlet #etiquette #time #embarrassment Always arrive on time. Make sure that you’re at least 15 minutes early. Respect the time of others. These are statements that you’ll continuously hear me saying in both youth and adult etiquette classes. I’m a big advocate of being respectful…