Sick Is Not Sexy!

Are you sick? Like, really sick? Is staying home an option? Scarlet Says… Staying home and avoiding spreading germs to others is proper etiquette. Your co-workers’ throats, lymph nodes, noses, eyes and chest will be forever grateful! Until next time, Scarlet

What? This Old Thing…

Them: “You look really nice today. That is a beautiful shirt.” You: “What, this old piece of crap?” It is ok, normal and acceptable to simply accept a compliment, instead of downplaying it. The simplest way to accept a compliment is to say thank you AND, if the situation warrants it, return a compliment to…

Consider Your Thank You Strategy

Thanksgiving is only 5 days away. Who will you thank? What are you thankful for? Yes, the food is a good reason to be thankful and positively anxious…but is it really the most important thing? As you begin to finalize your holiday plans, rest assured that the food will be there, and so will the…

Are You a Status Hi-Jacker?

It’s so amazing how many things you can talk about and engage your friends/followers in while utilizing your social networks. But, do you ever have that person who wants to just railroad your status and talk about whatever they want? You really want to say, “hey woman/man, we aren’t even talking about that, stick to…

Your Name Is Your Name

1scar·let noun ˈskär-lət 1: scarlet cloth or clothes 2: any of various bright reds 3: etiquette and employee engagement Is your name difficult to pronounce or is it assumed that your name is pronounced one way when in fact it is pronounced another way? Do you feel guilty about correcting people on the pronunciation of…

Scarlet’s 2012 Top 10 Etiquette Tips for Teens

Don’t be a copy cat: Just because you see celebrities online acting and saying inappropriate things does not mean that you should follow suit. Be yourself and more importantly, don’t be a copy cat.    Remember the basics: Please and thank you still go a very long way. Take time to say please and thank…

People Are Counting On You

Believe it or not, there are a bunch of people counting on you. You may not know them yet and you may not know when you’re gonna meet them, but they exist… Last week, I was scheduled to teach an etiquette class for 35 high school freshman. Because of some miscommunication, the class ended up…

Sunday Funday

So, Sunday is the day that most of us look forward to a bit of downtime. Laundry…a big dinner…and some extra tv might be on your plate. Around 7:00 p.m., perhaps you get a little tense thinking about all of the things that you should have gotten around to doing that you just didn’t earlier…


OH YEAH!!! You’re likely counting down the hours to when work is over so you can prime your belly for some yummy BBQ! Well, we are too! The question is, what are you bringing to the party? Coming empty handed to a BBQ is not cool. Bring something: 1. Meat 2. Side Items 3. Beverages…

Are You Hiring?

While enjoying a yummy burger at this local burger shop in Grand Rapids, I witnessed a young lady come in to inquire about job openings. Now, I was first surprised because I haven’t witnessed a young person inquiring about a job in a long time. I thought (like my siblings),that they had written off work…