Episode 160- Banner Graphic

7/27, Jacqueline M. Baker

What makes you unique and different? (ponder on that for a while) I'll share my reality. While many people get recharged and refueled by going to the spa, taking multiple days off of work or binging their favorite shows, I have to tell you - that does not do it for me.

I get refreshed from short, spurts of rest and I don't need or like to take off long period of work. I like mini charges and I know that works for me. While I have people in my life who remind me to slow down and take breaks (and I do), my requirements for respite and breaks is best served up for me in shorter periods of time.

I want you to be aware of what best works for you. If what you need is a refresh/recharge, remember that it only works if you do it in a way that is unique and effective for you!

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