May 13, 2021 Jacqueline M. Baker

We're no stranger to the subject of accountability around here.

I literally talk about it every week. But, there is something that I don't get the opportunity to do every week - talk to Cherice Jenelle. 

Cherice isn't new to the Just Start podcast. 

She joined us and was interviewed for Episode 011 and I'm excited to have her back again for a direct and transparent conversation about accountability. 

Cherice shares her personal experiences in team building, leadership, delegation and accountability in both corporate and the non profit sector and how accountability plays in to this. 

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Just Start. 

 Top Episodes Quotes

  • “And that's why I go into my relationships with direct reports and my team's focusing, zeroing in on trust first, and then the delegation will come second.”- Cherice Jenelle
  • “It is not necessary for you to do all these things alone.” - Jacqueline M. Baker
  • “I really try to ensure that my hours are spent purposely even if it's just resting right, it's a purposeful rest.” - Cherice Jenelle

 Key Points:

    • Cherice shares how to build and grow a team along with how to focus and maintain robust leadership, delegation and accountability in the corporate marketing space.
    • According to Cherice, there's no perfect person in the team, we just really need to take one individual and match him/her with another individual/team.
    • What is required is to consider some of those personality assessments in which one can determine their gaps and find out some opportunities for their personal growth.


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