September 10, 2020 by Jacqueline M. Baker


You're not used to seeing that word around these parts, right? I'm usually encouraging you to be full steam ahead, actively going after the things that you want to do. 

So, what happens when you have to or want to stop? What's the protocol for that?

Today is the day to learn from Nic Cober, Esq, who'll dive deep into how she started her first entrepreneurial venture and how it set her up for her current. Don't live in fear of starting because you may have to stop one day. Who knows if that will be your story?

But, the only way to begin writing your story is to START!

You'll also get your personal invitation to Idea Day, which will make putting your lessons from this episode into action a lot easier!

Let's do this.

Listen. Share. Just Start.

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