February 13, 2020 by Jacqueline M. Baker

Everything feels REALLY GOOD when it's going right, but what do you do when things start to go off plan?

The reality is that nothing will ever go 100% to plan,(especially when you're first starting) so let's just work on adapting and being flexible for when they DO go wrong.

We had a wonderful conversation with Radiah Rhodes, CEO of Evok Life about how she got started, some mistakes that she made and some of her top tips to get back centered when you get off track.

Here are 4 key lessons from this episode

  • [4:00] The 12 Days DC Connection with Radiah Rhodes. Jacqueline and Radiah became familiar at the 12 Days DC Conference in 2019 and Radiah's book became a 1-day read for Jacqueline. 
  • [6:44] An attempt in trying to fix her life with a spreadsheet was the jumping off point for a self-identify journey and the launch of her company. This spreadsheet journey helped her to define who she was and became an every quarter practice for her.  
  • [13:00] The secrets to know when you need help. It's often difficult to switch your mindset from solo-preneur to business owner. 
  • [24:00] The potential mistakes with hiring and not being clear about what new resources should be doing. Being unclear about what you hire someone for will cost you a great deal of money, time and energy. 

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