February 6, 2020 by Jacqueline M. Baker


February is here.

And, that means that many of our resolutions that had anything to do with physical fitness have had many of us falling off the wagon. But, what if we restructure our approach to fitness differently, by not just going after the typical things like losing weight?

What if we instead made our fitness goals work for us and more importantly considered how those goals will helps us in business and in other parts of our lives? 

In a recent conversation with Tiffani Jenkins, owner and head trainer at Torch Gym, we engage in a transparent conversation around how she uses physical fitness to do more than just make her body look good, her biggest career mistakes when she started, some must-know fitness tips to help you really move forward instead of falling into the age old traps and so much more! This conversation was a complete riot of fun!

Here are 4 key lessons from this episode

  • [5:00] An almost fatal accident early in Tiffani's life prepared her in a way that she never expected. An almost near death experience ended up shaping Tiffani's fitness experience and mindset even til this day. 
  • [8:09] Tiffani shared that she was kicked out of open fields during her early training journeyAlthough Tiffani was committed to the fitness space, it was initially difficult to just find a space to consistently train. 
  • [13:00] Doing what feels right for Tiffani and her business is her approach to pricing. Instead of doing a lot of looking around and comparing pricing, Tiffani instead does what works best for her and what feels right for her and her clients. 
  • [20:37] Tiffani shares what she has had to get rid of in order to move forward. Assessing the people in your life and accepting that some will come and go is something that Tiffani has had to be honest about. 

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