January 30, 2020 by Jacqueline M. Baker

When you have an idea brewing, your mind may race in a million different places to figure out how I talk about my thing, get my thing highlighted or figure out what to do next. But, let's be honest. When do we ask ourselves the important foundational questions that are necessary to almost audit our paths?

Before we create a logo, make at tag line, decide which colors we want to be associated or even share our ideas with the world, there are a few boxes that we can check to keep is on track towards our own personal success.

In a recent conversation with Cherice Jenelle, marketing consultant and strategist, we engage in a transparent conversation where we discuss how she started her ,consultancy her biggest mistakes when she started and foundational marketing tips for success. 

Here are 4 key lessons from this episode

  • [8:40] How Cherice Started Using TwitterCherice answered a message on Twitter that ended up being the start of her business. 
  • [14:50] The Danger Of Taking On Unwanted Business. The importance of stopping and asking the questions, "do I really want to work with this person/business beyond just the money".
  • [15:58] The Importance Of Trying To Not Please Everyone. Cherice shares how trying to please everyone caused a lot of churn, burnout and not a whole lot of money.
  • [33:30] The Secrets Behind Not Giving 100%. Cherice shares her strategy around giving around 80% of her energy to her various commitments in order to keep a little bit of herself. 

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