January 16, 2020 by Jacqueline M. Baker

The Law. Those two simple words will make even the most confident person shudder just a little. 

And if you add on the complications of business to this mix, it can cause even more fear and anxiety. 

Having a solid handle on legal foundations for your business will save you energy, time and money!

In a recent conversation with Shavon Smith, founder of The SJS Law Firm, we discuss the ins and outs of the law and some of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a new business.

Here are 4 key lessons from this episode

  • [6:50] Sometimes our opportunities to start come through unplanned scenarios. Reframe your thinking around starting as it may come in an unexpected way. 
  • [8:23] Shavon shares that she didn't think of her business like a true business initially and waited longer than she should have to delegate effectively. She spent a lot of her time on ineffective things initially. 
  • [9:40] Shavon spends more of her networking time cultivating familiar relationships versus always searching for new ones. Instead of just searching for new people, she spends more time learning more about and growing already established relationships. 
  • [12:40] Figuring out pricing and not understanding the market was a key mistake of Shavon'sShavon shares that she didn't fully understand what to charge, how to charge and how to handle fundamental banking foundations initially and has learned substantially since her initial start. 

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