November 18, 2019 by Jacqueline M. Baker

Sweating. Shaking. Nervousness. Scattered. 

Maybe you're thinking that you're crazy that you don't have it together or that you just cant get it right.

Or maybe - just maybe anxiety is trying to take over and ruin your greatness.

The more and more that I travel the world, meet new folks and commit to being transparent about my story and experiences with anxiety, the more that I learn that so many of us are plagued by this somewhat of an annoyance.

But, what happened if we started to embrace its presence, stop ignoring it and actively utilized it to try to fuel our next steps.

Well, that's how I use anxiety.

In this episode of Just Start: From Ideas To Action, I take a deep dive into my own person journey with anxiety, share the intimate journey of how I discovered my diagnosis and provide some actionable tips on how to deal with it, if you're facing the symptoms as well.

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