December 4, 2019 by Jacqueline M. Baker


We're all trying to work miracles with the little bit of time that we have. And, when you've decided that you want to start something new, you'll quickly start to wonder,
"but, when will I find the time that". On this episode of Just Start: From Ideas To Action we will dig into The Side Hustle Balance with Ericka Boone. 

In a perfect world, perhaps you would have the opportunity fully quit your job and work on your new business venture exclusively. But, maybe that isn't your story right now. 

In a recent conversation with Ericka Boone, founder of Live Laugh Bejewled, we had a very transparent conversation about how she handles having a 9-5 and how she manages to operate a jewelry brand. From imposter syndrome to finding herself to being a bit more empathetic to other consumer brands, we talk about it all in this week's episode. 

Here are 7 key lessons from this episode

  • [3:30] Ericka started Live Laugh Bejeweled to satisfy a need for herself. She wanted to have access to affordable, creative jewelry than what was on the market. 
  • [10:10] Ericka learned a valuable lesson about drawing attention to unnecessary things. She realized that getting in front of an audience and stating her nervousness made them question her credibility. 
  • [26:14] One of Ericka's biggest business changes is changing her thinking and understanding that she needs help in order to grow. 
  • [27:50] One of Ericka's biggest mistakes is thinking small. She didn't realize how big things could get if she just thought bigger. 
  • [38:18] The conversation around money and the sacrifices that you make with it was explored. Ericka shares that it certainly are sacrifices that you have to make when you're starting something but its worth it 

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