December 12, 2019 by Jacqueline M. Baker

20 Days.

That's it. 

There are 20 days left in 2019.

Maybe you're starting to think about how you're going to level up, switch some things around or completely change directions for 2020.

But before you thing too hard, let's first pause and reflect on a few things. 

How did the year REALLY go? 

Did you have the right people in your life?

Do you realize what you have and what you have access to AND did you use it?

This episode is all about asking yourself the necessary questions about how 2019 went for you, so that you can dive into 2020 with the information an that you need.

Here are 3 key lessons from this episode

  • [3:17] Stop Waiting. Give yourself a head start by doing SOMETHING now. Don't wait to start. 
  • [9:35]  How many emails do you have in your inbox? While you could continue just ignoring the unread messages, are you doing yourself a disservice by continuing to have a cluttered inbox. Could your benefit from an unsubscribe session?
  • [10:32] Audit your social profiles - More is not always better on social media. Are you over engaged and its distracting you away from what's really important?

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