November 11, 2019 by Jacqueline M. Baker

If starting a project, side hustle or business isn't hard enough, when you start to think about when you need to ask for help and how overwhelming that can be, it sometimes just stops you in your tracks and makes you want to not start at all. On this episode of Just Start: From Ideas To Action we will dig into Asking For Help, right way!

I've certainly had my challenges with asking for help. I have historically allowed my plate to get much too full, then felt so overwhelmed that asking for help didn't even seem like it was an option, because who wants to peel the covers back on their own mess and ask for someone else to help them clean it up? I certainly didn't. But, what if it doesn't even need to get there? What if you could get the help that you need before there's ever even a mess or to assist you with just getting started. 

In a recent conversation with Alechia Reese, founder of 360 Gateway Brands, we engage in a transparent conversation where we discuss how she started her company, 360 Gateway Brands, how she asks for help and how she uses her current skill set to get to her next level. 

Here are 4 key lessons from this episode

  • [4:00] Do what you have to do to start. Alechia started her business during a difficult time in her life as she was going through a divorce, had a small child and needed to pay her mortgage. 
  • [11:11] How do you even start finding out your personal value. Alechia thought she had no value at one point and coming out of a an abusive relationship really questioned what she could contribute. Using a different approach and parables, she has been able to reshape her thinking around her personal value. 
  • [19:40] Asking for help in new spaces. Alechia researches targets and intentionally connects with them as opposed to just waiting for things to happen. 
  • [25:50] How do you make sure that you aren't just a "taker" - that you give as well as receive. Alechia reminds us that we all will need help at some point and someone will always need us. Remember that and focusing on that puts you in a position to accept help and to actively give, when needed.

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