November 4, 2019 by Jacqueline M. Baker

If you often find that you're talking yourself out of your next steps, letting that self-doubt control you or that you deal with imposter syndrome, this very first Just Start: From Ideas To Action episode is for you.

The reality of imposter syndrome is that everyone is susceptible to it and it's actually quite common. Approximately 70 percent of people will experience at least one episode of impostor syndrome in their lives. I'm personally pretty transparent with even my own bouts with imposter syndrome. I often share that although I've been speaking for over 20 years, there isn't a time that I'm not nervous when I speak and then that nervousness often escalates to overall doubt. But even amidst the doubt, that speaking event and the next one and the next one goes on through a series of questions and systems that I ask myself and engage in to overcome the doubt.

In a recent conversation with Jessie Hayes, founder of Skinphorea, we explored the ups, downs, wins and challenges of starting the very first acne and facial clinic in metro Detroit.  

Here are 5 key lessons from this episode

  • [3:55] Do your research. Jessica spent 10 years doing research and working in the field before officially launching Skinphorea. 
  • [8:19] Intentionally surround yourself around a support system. While Jessica comes from a family of entrepreneurs, she believes that the support of other entrepreneurs is one of the things that kept her going. 
  • [9:26] Just Start while you're doing your research and putting in the necessary work. Before Jessica quit her job, she worked on her lunch breaks, free time and even had her business plan done. 
  • [15:25] Understanding how to trust your team will help you grow. Jessica shared the importance of hiring effectively and trusting your team. 
  • [18:05] Dealing with imposter syndrome sometimes requires you to unplug and reset. Jessica did an intentional unplug from social media to reset, reground and develop a list of accomplishments as her personal proof points. 

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