074 – Starting, But Not Doing Everything

September 2, 2021 Jacqueline M. Baker When your podcast episode starts out with, “hey girl – hey”, you already know that it is about to be magical! What a dynamic conversation with Crystal Marie, as we explore all things: – wedding and event production – fear doesn’t go with my outfit – cannabis entrepreneurship I…

How To Not Do It All

Tired. Exhausted. Overworked. Unproductive.  Are any of these words ringing a bell right now? Yes – it’s true that hard work absolutely pays off, but at what cost? And, is it an unnecessary cost, sometimes? We often get programmed into doing the same things over and over again because of a number of things: Fear…

Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Ask for Help and Reclaim Your Life!

You’re scrambling.  You’ve got deadlines up the wazoo.  You’re struggling to juggle home and work. And you’re also trying to maintain some semblance of a self-care regimen, although, to be honest, that’s failing fast too. Let’s just call it what it is: you’re overwhelmed.  You’ve got tons of obligations, and you’ve also got tons of…