Accustomed To Customs?


If you do an online search for “international travel”, a whole slew of tips on making sure that your trip is a success will surface. In summary, they’ll include things like:

– Remember your passport (you’ll need it to travel pretty much anywhere outside of your home country)
– Know the critical words and phrases in the native or most commonly used language of the place you’re visiting (words like, bathroom, hello, thank you, help and good-bye)
– Remember you safety tips and be sure to let someone know where you’ll be

The list will certainly go on…and on…

What we want to arm you with today is a list of tips that you won’t find on those lists. Make note of Scarlet’s International travel Etiquette Tips!

1. Travel with people who you like, get along with and are interested in the same things that you are. If you fail to adhere to this, you are setting yourself up for a trip of moans, grunts and complaints.
2. At least 2 of the 20 things you planned will not go 100% as intended, so pack your patience. Unplanned snafus aren’t always a bad thing, so leave a little room in your itinerary for spontaneity and randomness.
3. Try something new. Not so long ago, I happened to really enjoy an ice-cold Coke, every now and then! (OK, maybe a little more frequently than just every now and then) While visiting Germany, I couldn’t help but notice how “weak” and unfamiliar the Cokes there were. Although I mentally hymned and hawed about how the Coke’s didn’t taste like I was used to them tasting, this new experience sparked my decline of Coke (over) consumption. Although Coke’s are still a tasty treat for me sometimes, that experience in Germany helped me to not consume as much as I once did, which was ultimately a healthier decision.

Travel of any kind is always exciting, but especially international travel. As you look forward to international trips that you have planned in the coming months or year, keep these tips in mind, keep an open mind and have a fantastic time!

Until next time,

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